Attendance requirements for Texas High Schools
The state compulsory attendance law requires that a student between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school each day for the entire period that a school’s program of instruction is provided. School employees must investigate, report, and if necessary, prosecute violations of the state compulsory attendance law.
The state of Texas recognizes five excuses for missing school a full day:
Observing a religious holiday.
Attending a required court appearance.
- Appearance at a governmental office to complete paperwork in connection with the student’s application for U.S. citizenship.
- Serving as an election clerk.
- A U.S. Naturalization Ceremony for the student.
The state of Texas recognizes one excuse for missing school a partial day (Medical Excuse):
A temporary absence for an appointment with health care professionals for the student or the student’s child will be excused if the student commences or returns to school on the same day of the appointment. To be eligible for a medical excuse:
Students must attend at least one class on the day of the appointment.
Turn in documentation from the health care facility to the attendance office within 3 school days of returning to school.
If you have been absent for any reason, not including school-related, and for any portion of the day you must bring a note to the attendance office within 3 school days of returning to class.
Types of excuse notes accepted include: (Note: the school reserves the right to refuse any documentation that is deemed unacceptable)
- Medical note- faxed or turned into 216
- Documentation from a court of law or other government entity that a student was required to be present for.
- Hand written note with parent signature.
- Through Family Access.
All notes must include:
- Signature of a parent or legal guardian.
- Reason for the absence.
- Date(s) of the absence.
- Phone number for verification.
- Student’s school ID number.
- Name and contact information of Doctor or Court.
If a student leaves early for any reason, they must still bring a note to get the absence excused...even if the parent checked the student out of the front office or the nurse sent them home.
Wylie High School may refuse to accept parent notes as excused absences if absences are excessive as determined by the school administration.
Denial of credit because of absences
The Texas Education Code 25.092 requires all students to be in attendance 90% of the time in a school year in order to receive credit in a class. Any student who is absent (excused & unexcused) more than 10% of the class days, for anything other than a school related absence, will automatically be denied credit. For further questions please contact the WHS attendance office.
NOTE: In the Fall or Spring Semester of the school year, a student will be denied credit based on attendance if he/she accumulates 10 or more absences in one or more of his/her classes.
Students may appeal the denial of credit. An appeal form may be obtained from the Assistant Principal’s office (240). The petitions for regaining credit are made to the Attendance Committee of Wylie High School and may be filed at any time the student receives notice of credit loss, but must be made no later than the specific date outlined on the Attendance Failure notification (exact date TBD).
A student that attended at least 75% of class time but less than 90% and who has been denied credit will be able to make-up the time missed and regain the credit that was denied by completing any or all of the following tasks until all time has been satisfactorily completed:
- Attend Tuesday/Thursday Night school from 4:30pm-6:30pm
- Attend a morning or afternoon tutorial with a teacher.
- Attend summer school (Spring semester credit make up only). Students denied credit from fall semester may not attend summer school for make up hours.
The deadline to makeup time will be indicated on the student notification of Attendance Failure. No hours will be accepted after the deadline has passed. Failure to makeup hours prior to the deadline will result in a permanent loss of credit.